

Dauletkhan А.

Атлах-Талас шайқасы

(Ұлы жеңіске 1270 жыл толуына орай)


Бұл мақалада «Атлах-Талас» шайқасы туралы әлем

тарихшыларының зерттеулеріндегі басты жаңалықтары жөніндегі

ғылыми көзқарастары талқыланады. Сонымен қатар, бұрынғы және

бүгінгі тарихшылар мен саясаттанушылардың (саясатшылардың)

ұлы хандық шовинизмі мен геноцидтік қатерінің Орталық Азиядағы

туысқан түркі халықтары тәуелсіздігі мен аумақтық тұтастығына

төндіріп отырған қауіп-қатерін әшкерелеп, айыптау материалдары


Кілт сөздер: Атлах-Талас, хандық шовинизм, Орталық Азия, түркі


1270 years ago, in July 751, a fierce and bloody battle took place

near the small Atlah castle close to Talas city. This battle fundamentally

changed the destiny and future of Asia and the Kazakh land. Researchers

sometimes refer to call it as the Battle of Talas or Battle of Atlah. Taking into

account the scale of the battlefield and the characteristics of the activities

of the participants on both sides, we think it is more appropriate to call this

catastrophic battle the “Atlah-Talas Battle”. Unfortunately, in our country’s

history textbooks, there are not enough descriptions and records about

this very important historical event that happened in our country.

First of all, let us look at the relevant historical records for “Atlah”. In

the 6th to 12th centuries, Atlah was one of the most famous Turkesh cities

established along the Talas and Chu rivers. Academician Alkey Margulan

referred to Atlah as Otlyh “[1]. in his book. The Arab historian Al-Maqdisi

wrote in 985: “Atlah is a large city, surrounded by a high wall. It has many

gardens and vineyards. The mosque is in the center and the market is in

Rabat (in the city). Suburbs) “[2]”. Mahmut Kashkary also referred to Atlah

as Otlyk. “Otlyk” in Kazakh means grassy and lush grassland. He wrote,

“Otlyk is a small city by the Talas River”“[3]. The Russian historian A. N.

Bernstam made some clarifications based on the archaeological evidence

he found, and said: “The site of Atlah is located in Juan tobe near Taraz

city. Its site covers an area of 280/140 meters.” “[4].

So, what kind of battle was the Atlas – Talas battle? How many soldiers

from which countries participated in the battle? During the first four days

of the battle, Karluk and Turkesh soldiers, who were allied forces of the

Tang Empire, on the fifth day, why they turned to the Arab army. How many

Chinese soldiers were killed and how many soldiers were captured? Did

Turkesh soldiers participate in this battle? If they are in the war, which side

will they were on? After the war, what changes occurred in the geopolitical

landscape? What is the historical significance of this battle? Around these

issues, historians have put forth many different views and opinions. In

response to these problems, Chinese historians and sociologists have

always shown a radical and incorrect view full of imperial consciousness

and power consciousness. For these belligerent views, I will make a strong

response and refutation based on facts at the end of the article.

First, we need to briefly describe the geopolitical and military situations

of this region before the Atlah-Talas battle. In the middle of the eighth

century, or to be precise, in 750 AD, the long-term Arab caliphate infighting

ended. The so-called “black” Abbasid dynasty achieved full victory and

began to pay attentions to the Central Asian region that they had “no

time to control” before. Prior to this, the army of the Tang Empire invaded

Tibet and East Turkistan, as well as the Turkesh region, which had

been weakened by long-term internal fighting, and won many victories.

The army of the Tang Empire that invaded the Seven Rivers Basin and

Morenal posed a direct threat to the Arab Caliphate’s rule in this area.

Xue Zongjing, a Chinese historian who has conducted a comprehensive

study of this period of history, analyzed the conflict of interest between

the two empires and concluded: “The power struggle in the region has

evolved into an armed conflict. The tight and loose political infiltration of

the century, the final point of contention has changed from the former “[5].

Amu Darya River as the border of the Tangri Khanate to the Talas Valley

near Suyab. We should admit that these descriptions of his are full of

corroboration. “[6]. The geopolitical situation of Central Asia before the

Talas Battle can be divided into the following historical stages.

  1. In 737, after the assassination of Suluk Khan, the ruler of the Turkish

Khanate, the ten-year dispute between Dulat and Nushbe, the five khanates

that formed the khanate, caused the khanate to completely decline. The

Turkesh people began to be ruled by a puppet regime appointed by the

Tang Empire.

  1. In 744, during the last civil war between Turks for the throne, the

Uyghurs hit the Yagma and Karluk hard, and the defeated Yagma and

Karluk began to flee to Junggar, Turpan and the 7 river Basin. Due to

the weakening of the civil war and the repeated blows of the Tang

Empire, the Turkesh people could not resist. At this time, the Tang Empire

began to support the Karluk people as much as possible. It wanted to

suppress other Turkesh people through the Karluk people and prevent the

expansion of the Arab Caliphate in the region. The Tang Empire seemed to

have achieved its goal. When the arrogant Chinese general GAO Xianzhi

marched towards the powerful army of the Caliphate, he seemed to believe

in the support of this Karluk and Fergana Khan’s powerful army.

  1. In 750, the year before the Battle of Atlah-Talas, “[7]. General Gao

attacked Toban and Shash (the State of Stone) with a large army, captured

the Khan, and took them to the capital of the Tang Dynasty. At the same

time, another Chinese general occupied the Turkesh capital Suyab,

captured his khan alive, and sent him to the capital of the Tang Dynasty.

One question that researchers may think of is, why did “[8]. General

Gao seize the Shash (Shi Guo) Khan appointed by the Tang Dynasty

himself? Why did the Arabs attack Talas through Fergana, which was allied

with the Tang Empire? This question can be answered like this: Shash

(the State of Stone) was originally under the jurisdiction of the Turkesh

Khanate. Its ruler is Bahadur dutun, a special representative appointed

by the Turkesh Khanate. At the beginning of the period, he also accepted

the appointment of the Tang Empire and gave gifts. However, the Shash

Khan was actually opposed [or some other words need to clarify your

meaning] because on the one hand he is related to the black Turkesh

people who were had been insulted by the Chinese, and on the other

hand because they had accepted the Arab faith and formed an alliance.

The Caliph legalized even his Khan status. General GAO Xianzhi had long

been preparing for revenge against the Shash (Stone Kingdom) Khan who

was in an alliance with the Tang Empire on the surface, but in fact was with

the Arabs. However, General Gao did not launch an offensive immediately.

Instead, using “negotiations” as an excuse, had a “victory without a fight”

captured Shash Khan, betrayed and killed him. The son of Shash Khan

survived and sought help from Arabs and neighboring countries.

According to theOld Tang Book , “he (Shash Khan) colluded with the

Arabs and spread rumors that the Arabs were going to attack the four

towns, so Gao Xianzhi led 20,000 soldiers into the barbarian area and

fought the Arabs in Talas.

At that time, two generals of Tang led troops in from two directions at

the same time. The Tang Dynasty Army is had an excellent unit of special

cavalry and infantry in the ‘Anxi Castle’ “[9]., plus the Fergana and Karluk

cavalry. However, the exact number of them is not clearly stated in the

Chinese materials.

The leader of the caliph in Horosan, Abu Muslin, quickly quelled the

uprisings in Bukhara and Samarkand, settled in Samarkand, and sent

Ziyad Ybn Salih with his troops to support the troops of Sayid Ybn Humayd

in Talas. OT Bolshakov conducted a special study of the Taras War on the

basis of Al Maqdisi. He confirmed that there was an Arab garrison in Taraz

and Atlah fortresses, engaged in the restoration of the defense system

and the construction of new walls. “[10].

These precious records seem to give us a glimmer of hope as to why

the Karluk cavalry stood on the side of the Arabs on the fifth most critical

day of the Atlah-Talas battle.

The Russian historian Mandelstam A. M “[11]. pointed out that “Turkic

people including the Karluk, Chygyl, Shuye and Shumi tribes began to

enter the northern regions of Shash and Fergana as early as the beginning

of the 7th century, and established relationships with the Arabs through

the Sogdy people.” Therefore, it can be said that Turkic people, including

Karluk people, have known Arabs for a long time. In addition, the black

Turkesh and Karluk, who had been bullied by the Tang Dynasty, had the

same fate and soon established an alliance. It is also a historical fact

that the Karluk people established a relationship with the Arabs through

Turkesh people who have blood ties with Shash (the country of stone),

and to have confidence in the growing and powerful Arab army.

The Chinese materials described the composition and strength of the

Arab army as follows: “On the Arab side, it is the Khorasan led by Ziyad,

the large army of the Persian army and the army of the Soviet Union of

Central Asia.” The people of the region have long been shackled by Arabs

and accepted Islam. In addition to cavalry and infantry, the Arab army also

has camel squadrons, spearmen, and fire squads. In terms of weapons,

Arabs dominate. The Tang Dynasty army fought in an unfamiliar place and

had no rear supplies. The original intention was to conduct a retaliatory

war of predation.

In this way, in July 751, the famous Atlah-Talas bloody battle was

staged. According to Chinese records: “The two sides fought for five days.

The Karluks turned to the Arabs and attacked in both directions, exerting

tremendous pressure on the Tang army. Gao Xian’s army was defeated.”


The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty stepped on each other and fled at

night. The roads were narrow and the soldiers were in chaos. Fergana’s

huge army escaped first. The road was crowded with horses and camels,

and soldiers could not walk. A general named Li Si of GAO Xianzhi, holding

a thick stick in his hand, walked forward and cleaned up the bodies of

the soldiers and horses “[13]., clearing the way for General Gao and the

troops.” General Gao and a small group of people arrived in Anxi City


Regarding the heavy blow to the Tang Empire caused by the shameful

defeat of Atlakh-Talas, the Chinese historian Mr. Xu described it as

follows: “Almost all the elite troops in the four towns have disappeared;

Tang army lost prestige and the Tang Empire is in decline.” “[14]. It is

almost impossible to say that General Gao Xianzhi only brought 20,000

Chinese troops into the war with such a major impact on the Tang Empire.

According to Arabic and Chinese materials, historians of different countries

have given different descriptions and explanations on the pattern of the

battle, the number of troops participating and the number of deaths.

  1. W. Barthold said according to Arabic and Chinese materials: “Gao

Xianzhi led 30,000 soldiers to fight the Arabs. The team was 700 miles

from the beginning to the end. Fight the Arabs near Taraz.” And Ibn al-’Asir

wrote: “China sent 100,000 troops, and the war took place on July 29 in

the 133rd year of Islam (751 AD). The Tang army killed 50,000 people and

captured 20,000 people.” “[15].

In the first half of the tenth century, al-Mahasin Vua L. Masawi wrote

by Al-Bayhaqi said: “The Tang dynasty army had 70,000 troops and was

completely defeated by the Arabs. Most of them were captured. They also

said that there was a Tang dynasty officer was also wearing a precious ring

when he was captured.” A. T. Malyavkin said: “It is estimated that 50,000

soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were killed and 20,000 were captured. “[16].

Comparing these data, there is no doubt that forcing the Tang Empire’s

army not only to retreat from the seven river Basin, Chu River, and Amu

river, but also forced to retreat from Central Asia after the Atlah-Talas

Battle, 70,000 to 80,000 lives were lost in the war is an acceptable data.

One of the issues written and discussed by historians from various

countries is the fate of the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty who were captured

alive in this war. “The prisoners spread the art of Chinese papermaking to

Monarena and Arab countries”.

First, we do not care how many troops General Gao led, but we can

know that the elite troops of the “Four Cities Fortress” “[17]. specially

deployed by the Tang Empire to control dependent countries outside the

Great Wall by force were powerful. Among them, there may be special

personnel who make weapons and ammunition. However, we are

skeptical that there were experts who master papermaking technology.

Also, according to Chinese historians, even though the caliph’s army was

much more powerful than the Tang army’s weapons and equipment at the

time, it was also said that the Arabs and Sogeds learned from Chinese

prisoners of war that the technology for making advanced weapons was

even more incompatible. It is common sense. However, prisoners of war

may also be used for various military purposes, and can even be used to

make weapons.

Historical records show that the papermaking history of Central Asia

and Mullana Hill can be traced back to ancient times. Based on Al-Maruzi’s

work, Bolshakov wrote that the paper industry in Samarkand and Fergana

had existed before Islam was introduced. “[18].

Nevertheless, the statement, “the captured soldiers of the Tang Dynasty

were all skilled craftsmen”, seems incorrect (?) and it is not credible that

they brought new technology to the victor.

In 751, a subordinate of General Gao Xianzhi, named Du Huang, who

was captured in the Atlah-Talas battle, stayed in Talas for a short period

of time before being escorted to Arabia. The prisoners experienced a lot

of suffering and recorded everything they saw and heard. Finally, in 762,

he found an opportunity to return to Eastern China by merchant ship. He

recorded in detail all the events he saw with his own eyes, the conditions

of the country and the land, the economy, and trade routes, and wrote a

memoir entitled Jing Shi Ji . However, he did not mention the story

of Chinese prisoners man-made paper for Arabs, but the memoir does

contain a lot of valuable information about Seven Rivers, Monarena Hill

and Asia Minor.

What is the historical significance of the Atlah – Talas Battle? What

role will it play in our own history? We believe that it is a huge challenge

for historians and sociologists to recognize and evaluate the victory of the

Atlah-Talas battle. 1270 years ago, we achieved a great victory, which had

a decisive influence on the fate of Kazakhstan and Central Asia and the

entire Muslim world. Our proud colleagues also have the responsibility to

remember. Therefore, we want to describe and emphasize the historical

significance of this great victory in this way:

  1. During the Western Han and Eastern Han dynasties (206-220 BC),

the Chinese who began to expand from the Great Wall of China moved

westward about 10,000 miles (5,000 kilometers) during the 800 years

before the Tang Dynasty (618-907).). The Atlah-Talas Battle in 751 cut off

the bloody expansion of the Chinese forever. In the following 1270 years,

no Chinese with weapons dared to set foot in this sacred land. This is

why we believe that the entire Muslim and Turkic world should pay eternal

respect to the martyrs who lost their lives at the foot of Atlah hills.

  1. The great victory of the Atlah – Talas battle was the result of the

heroic dedication of the Arab Muslim army and the strong support of the

Karluk and Turkesh people. Next to the rebellious Karluk army, a Turkesh

army has long suffered from the Tang Dynasty’s insults. The blood forged

a steel-like friendship between the Turks and the Arabs, and it was fruitful.

The Turkic people accepted the Islam of Allah early on. As W. W Barthold

said: “Among those who support Islam, the Turks were one of the earliest

peoples. They did not use weapons and succeeded through persuasion.”

This is also a historical fact. Turk people basically accepted Islam in a

peaceful way since 751, understood Islamic culture, and worked hard to

learn and master Islamic culture. On this basis, the Turk world and the

Islamic world have achieved spiritual unity “[19].. The great figures born in

the Turkic nations, such as Mahmut Kashkari, Yusuf Balasagun, Abu Nasir

Al Farabi, Hodja

Ahmed Yassawi, Ahmed Iugineki and Ibn Sina, have made great

contributions to the development of human civilization.

  1. Through the realization of a unified spiritual and cultural system, the

Turkic people have become a stable and prosperous new type of country

in the process of achieving national integration. The Karluk Khanate, which

recognized Islam as the state religion, has the right to be recognized as

the first powerful country that united the Kazakh tribe, which gave birth

to the Kipchak and Kazakh Khanates. Our historians Alkei Margulan and

Musatai Akynzhanov clearly stated this in the 1960s.

Let us compare the common understanding of the Atlah-Talas battle

among historians all over the world, as we know with what the so-called

Chinese historian’s understanding dominated by chauvinism in the past

and now.

Although many historians agree that the formation of nations and

countries in human history cannot be evaluated by the attitudes and

viewpoints of the current regime, we also know that there are also many

so-called historians who distort facts, beautify and brag about the bloody

acts of aggression by Russia and China’s totalitarianism.

What forced the Chinese to write a large number of books to describe

the Atlah-Talas battle 1270 years ago, and hold various meetings? And why

did our Turkic and Islamic worlds not show any enthusiasm for publicizing

the truth of the Atlah-Talas battle? For this reason, we believe that the

“Atlah-Talas Battle Memorial Event” organized by the Kyrgyz government,

which is our ancestor, is a wise choice based on a correct evaluation of

today’s regional politics.

We are fully aware that not only the entire Turkic and Arab world, but

also the entire human race is being lured and deceived by the Chinese

dragon with its infinite greed and bloodshot eyes, and that this dragon is

becoming a global bloodshed in the 21st century.”An Evil Empire”. The

so-called “clash of civilizations” (Christian-Islamic clash) that Huntington

advanced has become meaningless. This is not a conflict between

civilizations, but a conflict between China and the United States, China

and Russia, and China and Europe. Failure to realize this will miss the

opportunity and lead to even greater disasters. The CCP regime, which

has been pursuing a policy of centralized rule and genocide, published

in its official media last year, “When will Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan be

included in the territory of China? There are nearly 450,000 offspring of Li

Bai in Kazakhstan, tearfully hoping to return to the motherland. “. For this

reason, the government of Kazakhstan was forced to submit a letter of

protest to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

We are not talking in vain about the stories and legends that seem

to be irrelevant to the Atlah-Talas battle in China. The map left by the

Tang Empire (618-907 BC), which was completely driven out of Kazakh

and Uyghur lands 1270 years ago, included a large tract of land from the

Kazakh Seven River Basin and Kyrgyzstan to the Himalayas. This map

has been used as the content of Chinese history textbooks, instilling to

their younger generation that these lands are Chinese territories occupied

by Tsarist Russia, and are actively striving to retake this occupied territory.

This is not enough. In order to conceal the fact that the army of the

Tang Dynasty was defeated at the Atlah – Talas Battle in 751, a history

book was specially written and published in newspapers and magazines,

and various lectures and seminars were held.

This situation has to remind us the famous saying of Academician Gabit

Musirov: “[20]. “History has its creator and its writer. If the creator makes a

mistake, as a writer, you should not try to change it.”

An example of Chinese researcher Wei Kaiwei’s attempt to revise

history is as follows: “In the middle of the eighth century, China reached its

heyday, and the Arab empires that occupied Asia, Africa and Europe even

strong. The two empires met in the Talas region in Central Asia started

a war to determine who the male is and the female. Despite its limited

scale, this war had a profound impact on the future exchanges between

different cultures. The main reasons for the failure of the Tang Empire in

this battle were: fatigue of long-distance marches, insufficient number of

participants, the internal discord and the leaders of the troops did not care

too much about what kind of battle was about to take place, etc.” “[21].

From these words of the author, we cannot see that there has been a

fair judgment on history and the unjust wars in history. On the contrary,

he attributed the failure of the Tang Empire to five reasons, at the same

time used the betrayal of the Karluk, Turkesh, and Fergana armys as an

excuse, and proudly declared: “The fiasco of the Tang Empire brought 4

Chinese inventions to Central Asia and Arabia”. Wang Xue pointed out in

her note entitled Analysis of the Causes of the Talas War : “Historicists

believe that the 751 Talas Battle against Shi Kingdom was done by Gao

Xianzhi, the army leader of the Tang Empire, the insults did not result

from the military conflicts caused by the expansion of the two empires in

Central Asia as others have said.” “[22].

Here, I would like to briefly introduce to readers the bloody crusade

against Tashkent (Shiguo) people by General Gao.

Gao Xian’s ancestors were Koreans. After Gao Jun Korea occupied

by the Tang Empire in 668, the Koreans were forcibly emigrated to the

mainland of China, and the upper class who were willing to subdue and

their descendants moved to the capital Chang’an. Gao Xianzhi’s father

first lived in Chang’an, and was later sent to Anxi Fortress as a military

officer. Gao Xianzhi followed his father to participate in many military

activities and received military training. He is handsome, brave and agile,

and won the title of general in his early 20s. In 747, he assumed important

positions in the army and was appointed as the deputy commander of

Anxi, the military leader of the “four-town fortress”. Since then, he has

shown his military abilities in the large and small wars and conflicts in the

occupied territories in western China, and has been appreciated by the

emperor. In a short period, he became the Jiedu Envoy of the Four Towns

of Anxi. He went his own way and almost became a relatively independent


Before the Atlah – Talas battle, Gao Xianzhi led his troops to crusade

against the kingdoms of Toban and Chash (the kingdom of stone), deceived

and captured their sweat, and washed their towns in blood, which we

have described above. Chinese researchers have made three different

descriptions of these bloody events, in an attempt to help to liberate GAO

Xian from this crime.

First, while condemning General Gao’s behavior, he said: “Because

the Khan of the Shash Kingdom (the State of Stone) had no respect to his

official title, General Gao conquered them.” He wanted to cover up the fact

that the powerful side was abusing the weaker side.

Second, this bloody crusade was: “Gao Xian was arrogant and greedy

for money. During the crusade, he killed all the people, young and old,

trapped his king alive, and killed him on the spot. He took away more than

250 kg of gems, five to six camels of (?) gold, famous horses and other

valuables, etc., which he all kept for himself.” “[23].

Third, the main reason for GAO Xianzhi’s sudden attack on the Atlah

Fortress is that the general heard the prince say: “The Caliphate’s army

tried to organize the small Khanate army occupied by them in the Atlah

Fortress to unite with their own troops to attack the four towns of Anxi.”

In order to preemptively, General Gao launched an assault on the Atlah

Fortress, but in the end, he was betrayed by Karluk and Turkesh and

suffered a crushing defeat by the enemy on both sides. Otherwise… They

expressed regret.

The Chinese writer described the bloodshed as “this action is not just

a personal action of the generals, but a part of the Tang Empire’s plan

to prevent the Arabs from expanding”, and wanted to attribute the main

reason to the King of Shash (the State of Stone). The son escaped and

sought help from neighboring countries and Arabs.

Zhu Baoming, a historian at the University Of East China Normal

University, said to General Gao: “his father was a member of the captured

Korean royal family. He grew up in the Hexi Corridor and became famous

in Anxi, and his reputation in the border areas increased greatly. Over the

time, his main rivals changed from Toban people to Arabs… The Talas

Battle was not only a turning point in the life of General Gao Xianzhi,

but also a turning point in the strategic situation of the northwestern Tang

Empire. No matter how you describe and understand this in this battle, the

fundamental fact is that the Arab Muslim army won a complete victory…


This great turning point announced the end of an era and at the same

time the beginning of a new era.

As for how we understand and evaluate this “new era”, we have made

clear explanations in our previous works. Mr. Xue Zhongjing, a contemporary

Chinese red historian, and Wang Shafu, a famous professor at Peking

University, said in response to the political situation of this era: “Here we

want to make a statement about the history of the political relationship

between the Tobans and Arabs in the Tang Dynasty. In the final analysis,

it is the history of the violent policies of these forces in Central Asia in the

mid-seventh and mid-ninth centuries.” Making a seemingly fair evaluation

and adding political overtones, he added: “This is a conceptual definition

that has never been used in our history. “Based on this inference, the Tang

Empire’s border defense activities in the west should also be regarded as

a violent policy, replacing the external expansion of the central power with

the stability of the central power. In this way, Professor Wang expressed

regret that the historian not only confused the Arab expansion with the Tang

Dynasty’s policy of defending the West, but also specifically emphasized

the Tang Dynasty’s “violent policy”. Mr. Xue was even more indifferent and

described the history of the formation of the Chinese border as: “The map

of the Tang Dynasty includes the Pamir Mountains and the Amu Darya

River Basin in the west. It is a natural result of historical development.

This is not a single simple question, but a question of returning to historical

fairness.” The above is not only a distortion of the historical research on the

western region of the Tang Dynasty, but also a distortion of the historical

research on the formation of the Chinese border. “[25].

Dear readers, in order to expose China’s so-called “friendship” to cover

up its expansion intentions, I wrote an article about “1.5 million Kazakhs

integrating into Kazakhstan, or 9.5 million Kazakhs integrating into China?

See who integrates into whom”. “[26].

Nowadays, to please China has become a very special ethos. Since the

1990s, the pro-communist scholar Muhtarhan Orazbay has been working

hard to provide historical evidence for future land disputes of China. He

said that the Chinese poet Li Bai who lived in the Tang Dynasty (701-762)

was born in Suyab. The son of Alke Khan, the 9th generation descendant

of Dulat, made a sensation in Kazakh academic and journalism. Duken

Masimhan, an immigrant from China, introduced “Karluk Kemenger Ulge”

(760-Unknown) in the Two Thousand Years Wild Poetry compiled by

Kazakh Literatur and Abidmalik Nisanov. More specifically, M Orazbay

magazine: “Wolves more brutal than Russia! Listen! One day you will all

be wiped out, and our little brothers who have been deceived by you will

see the bright sunshine.”. Look, today, 48 years later, in order to realize

this academician’s crazy talk, the Chinese government has made the

following actions.

On April 20, 2020, the article “Kazakhstan expects to return to China”

was published on Su Hu, a well-known Chinese media. Kazakh patriots

and enthusiastic youths expressed strong protest and demanded that the

government intervene and pursue responsibility. As we have mentioned

above, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan issued a letter of

protest to China. The Chinese side became even more intensified. On

October 7th of the same year, issued a provocative message of “When

will we incorporate Kazakhstan into China?”. “…in history, China has very

large land, and has lost a lot of territory for various reasons. Although

we regained part of the territory after the establishment of the communist

regime, there are still many lands that have not yet been returned. For

example, Vietnam, The Republic of Mongolia, the Republic of Tuba,

Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and the world’s largest landlocked country (273,000

square kilometers), the Republic of Kazakhstan, originally belonged to

China. Kazakhs know that they have Chinese descent, and there are

about 400,000 Li Bai’s Future generations look forward to returning to the

motherland with the land.”

Mr. Omirbek Baigeldy, the former Speaker of the Senate of Kazakhstan,

became popular in the media from 2007 to 2010. He vigorously promoted

“Li Bai is Elibay, the 9th generation descendant of the ancestor Dulat”,

and strongly supported the Chinese to say “Kazakhs dreaming to bring

land with them to join China”. In October 2009, a number of government

officials, writers, poets and representatives of the two countries held a

commendation meeting in Astana and awarded Mr. Omirbek Baigeldy

the title of “Special Contributor to Kazakhstan”. Although our nation’s

IQ and independent dignity have been so ravaged and trampled, it has

been more than 10 years since this sad and shameful farce has been

completely wiped out by history. However, we are fully aware that China’s

evil intentions have never changed in the slightest.

My fellow citizens, what should we do now? I think we should strengthen

propaganda, actively hold and participate in various international

theoretical and realization seminars, and fully expose various actions

and attempts from China that threaten our country’s independence and

territorial integrity. For this reason, whether to hold the 1270th anniversary

of the victory of the “Atlah-Talas” battle is a very realistic test for our nation

and our independent country.

In today’s situation, President Kasim-Zhomart Tokayev often talks

about it: “Independence is the most precious” is certainly not in vain. Here

I would like to reiterate: At present, the independence of our nation-state is

seriously threatened by internal and external factors. The critical moment

for strengthening vigilance and taking tough measures has come to us.


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Ұқсас мақалалар

Пікір қалдыру

Э-пошта мекенжайыңыз жарияланбайды. Міндетті өрістер * таңбаланған

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